Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Haiku Monday: Resist

His narcotic scent:
orange groves on a Turkish sea.
Married now! Defriend?


  1. I'd love Aunty's response to that image.

  2. Congratulations!
    Scent is a great stimulant to memory.
    Do you swoon every time you pass a citrus vendor?

    @ Czar,
    judging by some of the threads I have read on your page,
    Aunty definitely understands what impassions humanity.

  3. @Fishy: You are certainly right about that.

    Congratulations, Fleur, even though someday you are going to have to grovel sufficiently and explain to me how you didn't submit a haiku for a theme of "southeast" on the czarist watch.

    1. Yes, Csar. You are absolutely right. I was running my conference in Houston and by the time I got to a computer, it was past the deadline. But of course there is no excuse under the Csarist watch!

  4. Congratulations Fleur!

    Renaissance might be a good topic for a Haiku Monday.

    1. Ha, haa! Thanks Karl! I am certain you are hoping for that theme because you think I will post a picture of myself as an exasperated RF worker! No Way! The Fleur does not permit the taking of photographs (either flash or non flash.)

  5. congrats on your win can't wait to see what you come up with for us to work with this Monday

  6. congratulations, Fleur. You are the undisputed queen of romantic haiku - always such beautiful visuals and universal truths; this one was spiked with exotic fragrance. no im not going to accuse you of gaming the judge. :-)

  7. Thank you, Chicky! I am glad you appreciate my entries! That is high praise.
