Monday, January 28, 2013

Haiku Monday: Triumph

Trussed up winter worm
bursts its ties, to spring's applause;
much like Houdini.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Haiku Monday: Speed

Ad: "Hunting by Rail!"
Men on iron horses crack
bisons' bones to dust.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Haiku Monday Winner: Tightrope

Hi, everyone.

After some deliberation on all the diverse and excellent entries, I must crown the winner below; spare, stark and thrilling:

A climber’s tightrope;
Knife-edge ridge, born from glaciers.
Misstep can mean death!
Congratulations, Serendipity!

Honorable mention to Becca for:

invisible lines
beauty etched in the cold ice
one word you fall prey

Thanks, friends!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Haiku Monday Friends: The Shame

Back in 1975, I spent 3 months as a freshman at St. Mary's High School in Manhasset, NY.  My course load track was called "Latin/Biology" which was the hardest track you could take.  It included 4 classes of French every week with one hour for study the other day.

I was a good student and studied for my mid-term French exam diligently--two nights before the test, in fact, and skipped the night-before cramming.

I went to the study period and came home to my mother asking me why I skipped my French exam; and then she informed me that the nun was COMING TO OUR HOUSE to discuss this situation.

All I could tell them that evening as my French teacher perched on our Danish modern couch was that I honestly forgot about the exam. (All was well when I got a 96 on the make-up exam.)

A few years ago, I went to the ATM in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt Atlanta and withdrew $100 from my account.  It wasn't till I got to the Marta station that I realized I had taken the receipt, but not the cash.  (All was well when I went back to the Hyatt and the money was still in the tray of the ATM.)

All I can say is that when I remembered that tomorrow is Monday, I realized I had forgotten about my Haiku Monday entrants on the topic of Tightrope.

I am so sorry, Haiku Monday friends!  I will read your entries and be back with you shortly.

Thank God the Csar doesn't live close enough to pay me an indignant personal visit.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 7 Haiku Monday: Tightrope

   Happy New Year, Haiku friends!

Our theme is "Tightrope."

5 lines, 7 lines, 5 lines
Seasonal reference and cutting word will provide an edge for the entrants
Visuals encouraged
Post in the comments section below
Submit as many as you like; indicate two for judging
Deadline: Before sunrise NYC Eastern Time on Tuesday, January 8. 

Good luck to all!