Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
When You Don't Know What You Want, I'm the One for You!
Who do I have to sign my 401K over in order to get an appointment at a TEMP agency!?
Oh, wait, I forgot...the 401K is gone. (Sorry, cubs, you're going to have to get w'me for my wit and wisdom as there's no Sugar left.)
14 years ago, I came to The City all Pollyanna 'n' shit--and it paid off. Got a seasonal job at Bloomingdales right off the bat, and then made many dollars an hour at very easy temp work: greeting people, answering the phone. Then, saw an ad in the NY Times (the paper version), interviewed and got the job. Ah...1998...cue, "can it be that it was all so simple then, or has time rewritten every line?"
No, it was simple then! Now, for temp work, you have to fill out your life/work story online and attach your resume. IF there's a job that EXACTLY matches your resume, you MIGHT be contacted.
What?? If there were jobs out there that exactly matched my resume, I wouldn't need a temp agency!
Anyway, finally got to meet with a lady at Addecco temp agency--but only because my landlord's assistant referred me.
Once I got to talk to someone and expand upon my resume, I felt some hope. I could see that the recruiter was excited too--she has a good candidate on her hands! I explained to her that I would be an excellent executive assistant to someone very old who wanted me to make his martinis and create all of his correspondence as well as answering his phone. (That got a good laugh! It's important to impress a recruiter with your charm and sense of humor.) While I was selling myself by explaining how conference management was essentially project management and that I was willing to take any work except coallating binders, she said, "you know, there's a long-term temp training job for Morgan Stanley that's been on my desk for a while. At first they wanted a professional trainer--but they didn't like any of them. Now, they just want the right chemistry, and not necessarily any experience."
I assured her that conference management was just like training in a variety of ways: explaining things to people, sharing processes and procedures, telling anecdotes, using diplomacy and tact on thick-headed people. She loved this! I said, "Jeneva, if they don't know what they want, then they don't realize that they want me."
She has sent my resume over with the request that they set up a phone interview.
Now, how could this have occurred through a keyword-match search in a database?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Haiku Monday: Pacific
Golden Mountain
Land of Golden Dreams
lures with shimmer and betrays.
Mirage, far from home.
Hawaiian Honeymoon
palm fronds and flowers
blushing limbs and sea spray tang
lava covers us
Cedar Closet
Mohair sweater hangs.
A bittersweet memento
of Sausalito.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Haiku Monday: Winner, VENEER
I know I always say this, but what a tough crowd! Very hard to judge this week; you showed great diversity on this theme.
I've read them through many times, including aloud.
We have Moi's:
We have Moi's:
California girls?
Not even their hair is real.
Surface is substance.
Witty, and true! Same with Fishy's:
Dr. Orifice
Two thousand per tooth!
That first impression greeting?
Pricey. Not priceless.
Funny? Yes...and depressing, as the truth often is.
Troll, you are the master of the action haiku, and your visual really matched. Excellent punctuation and capitalization, too.
Review Revised
Peeling back the mask.
Standing athwart history
yelling Stop. And LOOK!
Karl, Karl, Karl: (to steal from the Csar's holding pattern):
I am your number one fan, and this entry sounds beautiful.
But am I wrong in mentioning that neither the first nor last line has the proper number of syllables? (I mean, I think "valiant" has 3 syllables?)
Valiant flight cut short
Iran's gift steals night cover
Oden welcomes
I particularly liked Pam's subject. It made me think of old buildings that are forever reconstituted, fall into disrepair, and are built back up. Having just been to the Tenement Museum where you can see the many layers of wallpaper on top of each other from 1865-1933, I really related to it.
Old brick buildings sit
on a weathered old main street;
past prosperity
I couldn't contain my initial appreciation for the Csar's haiku below:
Starred in Pippin, right?
Seventies’ song-and-dance man?
Ah, dyslexia.
This was just great. Whatever you drank/ate/inhaled at the Rumpus, keep it up.
Chickory contributed the following:
Fugitive pigments
suspended in glaze; Vermeer,
Master of surface
This haiku was elegant, sophisticated, beautiful and sounded lovely read aloud. "Fugitive pigments suspended in glaze" is one of the best descriptions I have ever read.
Chickory, you are the winner! You will receive your very own CD of Fleur's handpicked lovesongs.
Congratulations! Thanks everyone. I was honored to host.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Haiku Monday: Glossing Over It
When I was 11, someone gave my parents a Flip Wilson doll. Anyone remember Flip Wilson or his doll? One side of the doll was Flip Wilson as a regular guy, and the other side was his alter ego, sassy-talkin' Geraldine. When you pulled the string, you got Geraldine's let-it-all-hangout -pronouncement "What you see is what you get!"
This week's haiku Monday theme is VENEER.
Please submit your 5-7-5 haiku here by midnight Monday. Visuals are delightful, but not counted. If you submit more than one, please indicate your entry.
Good luck!
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