Saturday, December 31, 2011

Haiku Monday: New Beginnings

Your old love letters,
souvenirs of mad bliss burn
to feng shui my heart.


  1. "Feng Shui my heart"--wow, that is good!!

  2. I have a friend, Fleur, who is keeping up with nouns used as verbs. I'll pass along your verse. Very nice. I am certain that underlying your verse was an astute and well-considered commentary on linguistic evolution and the new beginnings that language changes create.

  3. But of course! It gave me pause to use FS as a verb...but a random internet dictionary said it was ok, and besides--it fit my haiku!

  4. My ex's Feng Shui'ed my heart. So did their dogs. Some times I step in it.

  5. Nice. Very, very nice.
    But Fleur ... somewhere along the line I think some bad ass smashed your heart.

  6. Fishy, you are so sweet! My haiku are not 100% autobiographical, but it's fair to say that I have been grossly underappreciated by a badass or two!

    Curmy, I think you may have a song there!

  7. Good afternoon Fleur,

    Nice Haiku! You're not underappreciated here.

    Curmudgeon may have a song. But it's not a perfect song, because it didn't say anything about trains or trucks or prison or getting drunk.

  8. Or trailers. Kind like achy breaky? I'd rather not.

    I can't ever remember getting good energy from old love letters or pics unless I used them to start a fire at their lawyer's office. Do they really do that to women? I've heard of that. I think guys are too fragile and can't handle getting shot out of the saddle.

    However, I really like the Haiku. I think you got a winner or place this time.

  9. Wait a minute! Your visuals indicate I'm right! I took it to mean the heart is still yearning at first. It's even a better haiku, but this is why I should never be allowed to judge a contest.

  10. Yes, Curmy...the good feng shui comes from burning the letters and cleansing one's heart. I am glad you liked it!

    Actually, I am too sentimental to destroy love letters and philosophical enough to know that love involves possible heartbreak. But what kind of haiku would come from that?

  11. When I got my heart broken as a youth, I'd chase cars and turn into a bark eating hermit for about six months every single time, even if I didn't like the girl too much.

  12. girl, where are you?! Haiku monday today. i miss your elegant entries...there is still time. theme is "treasure"
